The First Campfire Chatter

Catching up

Hey everyone! Welcome to the first Campfire Chatter. Summer is done and so a campfire is a fitting place to kick things off. Where has the year gone? It feels like I just took down the Christmas lights and here come the turkey and mistletoe like a freight train! So to take your minds off the cold grey days ahead, I thought I would try to flesh out the Off Road Magic theme a little. You may have heard it said that if you “Do something you love, you will never work a day in your life” (I believe Confucius say . . .) but it can be cold comfort to those of us stuck (for now) in the daily grind of a 9 to 5 job. However, this is not a motivational, self-help post and while I am a firm believer in investing in ones self and “Doing your own thing”, I will not jabber on about how to create a new you. Let’s talk a bit more about Off Road Magic and what you can expect here at Campfire Chatter time.

Out of my head and on to the page

While I was thinking about Off Road Magic, what it is and who it is for, I bumped into an old dilemma. I’ve found that no matter how clear an idea may be in my head, it can be a challenge to get it out of my head and into words that actually make sense to someone else. Anyhow, here goes and if it’s not making sense to you, that’s what the comment section is for! 🙂

The Basics

I’ll start with what I would consider to be the two basic components that provide the foundation for everything else. First, we all have a love for the outdoors and enjoy spending as much time as we can out there. Second, we all have an interest in four wheel drive vehicles of some description and consider them to be an invaluable tool that can enhance our enjoyment of the outdoors.

The Off Road Magic Niche

So what then? Well, those two components together cut a very broad path and appeal to a wide range of people, all the way from the “Monster Truck” enthusiast to the hardcore overland expedition junkie. So to narrow it down a bit, I see Off Road Magic filling a niche between the two but perhaps closer to the latter. Now I am not big on labels or being labeled, particularly when the label suggests mediocrity, so I would never suggest we are “average” or “ordinary” folk because we’re not right? Let’s say, however, that we need an identity, not the same as a label you understand, and so in an attempt to nail down that identity let’s add some more components to the original two.

I will stay away from the monster trucks and other such events as I’m not really going for the sport angle here. Having said that, I have nothing against those events,  both the machines and the owners skill can be truly awesome! I will also stay away from the other extreme as I will assume that while it may be nice to have the budget and a wide open schedule, that most of us don’t fit the bill as full time overland expedition junkies. Now let me throw in a few maybe’s to sharpen this up a bit:

 Some Maybe’s

Maybe you have a full time job and perhaps limited resources.

Maybe you just can’t survive on one off road trip a year and you’d like to change that.

Maybe you just need a little encouragement and motivation from a community who are on your wavelength.

Maybe you’re looking for ideas, how to get more organized, what equipment to get, where to go.

Maybe you’re crazy keen to get out there more often but the idea of dragging the kids along (Man, will they ever stop fighting?!) makes you want to poke sharp pencils in your eyes. You could do with some ideas for how to make it fun for them.

Maybe you have a whole bunch of experience that you would like to share and you like the idea of helping others enjoy the outdoors.

Maybe you have some really neat (or crazy/funny/scary) stories to share.

 “Screw it, just do it!”

One thing I do know, if you don’t do it, it won’t get done so in the words of Sir Richard Branson, “Screw it, just do it” It’s not about waiting until you get the “perfect” 4×4 rig, or top-of-the-range camping gear, or finding the most idyllic destination. While those things are all very nice, they are not necessary. I am not suggesting a careless or unsafe approach, but when we wait for things to be perfect, we end up waiting forever.

 Winding it up

And finally, especially for those tropical souls among us, stoke that fire up and hatch your plans for next summer. Look out for posts on topics such as pre-season work on the 4×4, checking and prepping your gear, finding places to visit, planning the trip and more.

Cheers until next time.

PS. I hope to come up with a few culinary suggestions at least a little better than a marshmallow on a stick . . .

Campfire Chatter
Campfire Time

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